Note for use of fiber handle wire cutters

- Aug 02, 2018-

Fiber handle wire cutters are a tool used to cut wires. Wire cutters are tools used to cut thicker wires. There are generally insulated handle wire cutters and iron handle wire cutters, there is a pipe handle wire cutters. Among them, electricians often use insulated handle wire cutters, whose working voltage is 1000V, which can be used for live operation of wires under 380V of low-voltage electrical equipment. Wire cutters are usually used to cut wires and cables, and their specifications are expressed in full length.

Common wire cutters can be used to cut residual wires during the installation of electricians or as cutting tools in the field of weak current. Its head flat oblique, tip is very small is its characteristic, most suitable for cutting resin forming incision and precision instruments on the very thin line and vinyl resin line, cut circuit board components on the long lead. Not only that, sometimes also can be used as disassembly.

For materials with different thickness and hardness, diagonal pliers with appropriate size should be selected. When cutting wires or component pins with diagonal tongs, the wire head should be turned downward to prevent the operator's eyes or other people from being hurt. Common wire cutters shall not be used to cut iron wire or other metal objects to avoid damage to the device port. The wires over 1.6mm shall not be cut with diagonal cutters.